A few days after the Winter solstice, here in Victoria, Australia we are keen to convene a robust discussion around two major issues facing Australia in particular and relevant to many places in the Wider World:
We had hoped to convene a Hybrid Meeting(Face to face and via Zoom) in and from Dunolly in the Central Goldfields in Victoria, Australia. Access to suitable Broadband and the current COVID restrictions have made this impossible on this occasion.
Having recently visited New York, a big town facing challenges, we then visited Crossmaglen, a small town facing different challenges and now we are focusing on questions to test some of our Tangible core values.
What is our understanding of Climate Justice? How do we embrace Diversity and eliminate systemic discrimination?
We’ve lots to talk about, and the more we talk, the more we feel compelled to act to make a difference.
Why not join us on:
Thursday 24th June 2021, 10 pm Tangible/Irish time
Get in touch: ambassador@tangible.ie
We’ll be talking! Beimid ag caint!
Leadership Excellence Inspiration
Please note that Tangible time is Irish time. All times are given in Irish time irrespective of geographic focus. please check your timezone.
#tangiblezoom #tangible21 #tangiblefuture #meaningfuldialogue