Tangible’s ‘Brand New Start!’ via Zoom-NEW YORK

The Tangible Leadership Series 2024 will be convened live from New York City via Zoom on

Thursday 2nd May 2024 at 10 pm Irish time/Tangible time.

The theme of this event will be to highlight the need to for us to regroup, reframe and refocus on our lives, our businesses and our careers. New York is a city where you can have a Brand New Start and get re-energised and re-motivated for the next stage of our journey.

If you have a project to promote, a crusade to launch, an idea to share then get in touch for this very special event.

Email: ambassador@tangible.ie

We’ll be talking! Beimid ag caint!

Leadership Excellence Inspiration

#tangiblezoom #tangible24 #tangiblefuture