Tangible WILDCARD GOES WEST! via Zoom

As the Tangible Leadership Series reflects on the deliberations at its Annual Ambassador Summer School in Kilmallock, County Limerick it now weaves its way to the WEST of IRELAND to co-convene our next workshop with the Western Development Commission. The event will be via ZOOM!

It’s scheduled for THURSDAY 26th September 2024 at 10.00 pm Irish/Tangible time.

Each destination of the series has its own challenges and successes and the West of Ireland is no exception with its rich history, beautiful landscape, proud people and a promising future ahead.

As this is our WILDCARD event of the #tangible24 series, we look forward to hearing from those with an interest in Business and Civic leadership as it pertains to the challenges facing the West of Ireland. Get in touch if you have something to say!

Yes, it’ll be the normal fare…….

We’ll be talking! Beimid ag caint!
Leadership Excellence Inspiration

#tangiblezoom #tangible24 #globalirish