Shannon Stop Over!

Limerick Photo-River Shannon

Systematically we are putting together a comprehensive flight plan for the Shannon Stop Over! event and we will progressively release details in the coming weeks. Rest assured it will be entertaining, challenging and energising and YOU will both benefit and enjoy the interaction with a group of stimulating speakers and active attendees.

Contributors will include:


  • Dr.Ed Walsh, Former President of University of Limerick via Video Clip, -Back to Basics
  • John Kelly, CEO, Irish Chamber Orchestra- A ‘ key note’ address: Words of Wisdom interspersed with Powerful Music
  • Pat O’Donnell, COO, Lincor Systems- Rising from the Ashes, not Angela’s! ( A post Apple Restructure Success Story)
  • Willie Maxwell, Director, InterTradeIreland Acumen Programme- Whatever you do, don’t start telling yourself lies!
  • Sean Weafer, CEO  – A Business Revolution-The Rebel in a Business Suit!
  • Dr.Jim Robinson, CEO-Kepler Institute- Making Numbers hit the Nation’s Bottomline

We have a range of new elevator pitches, a few more speakers and much, much more but not including a set of kitchen knives!

For the travellers we are investigating a casual dinner the night before so let us know if that is of interest.

Put the date in your diary and keep in touch!


Fellow Traveller,

Tangible Flight Plan 2009-Shannon Stop Over! ##### Thursday 2nd April 2009, Strand Hotel, Sarsfield Bridge, Limerick, IRELAND ####

Previously we gave a brief  Tangible Flight Report for our recent event held in Dublin. A photo gallery showing some of the passengers can be accessed by double clicking on the ink:

So far we have had over 10 (and counting) positive initiatives among passengers from the event

Feed back has encouraged us to hold a  Shannon Stop Over!   in the Strand Hotel, Sarsfield Bridge, Limerick 
Thursday 2nd April 2009, 8.30am to 1.00pm then Lunch

Personally coming from within the Walls of  Limerick I was very moved by the input from Jan O’Sullivan on the recent Prime Time Special when she was interviewed by Miriam O’Callaghan on the Dell Restructure.

There is a need for urgency and passion leading to focused actions. No better people then the people of the Mid West.
If we capture the best of our successes, maximise our lessons learned and develop a vision for the future for the island with a focus on the role of the Mid West together we can make some progress in these difficult times.. We are in unchartered waters thus let’s maximise our body of knowledge, evaluate a range of ideas and initiatives and get behind the most promising ones and cultivate further the others. The  Shannon Stop Over!   will have a global/island( d’island) focus and seek to crystallise some tangible ideas and initiatives  for the coming decade.

We are recruiting our Tangible Flight Crew from existing Speakers/Members and some valuable additions from the greater Mid West . From tomorrow we will start taking bookings from Passengers for the Shannon Stop Over! Same fare rules apply as before with the Early Bird Special of €150.00 including all Taxes and Charges closing on Friday the 13th of March 2009.
Standard Stop Over fee is €180.00 including all Taxes and Charges . Could all existing Flight Crew and Passengers please clock in and declare their availability.

No Frills Sponsorship Opportunities exist and we are open to any sensible ideas.

A strong combination of energy, pragmatism, resilience, technology, engineering, business, marketing and street smarts will be evident on the morning. We will endeavour to emulate our Dublin success in vibe and collaboration yet with some different players, different war stories, different dreams and aspirations. If you have a recommendation for a suitable Flight Crew Member or Passenger please let us know as soon as possible. Opportunity is riding on a dangerous wind and there certainly is a need for speed and pragmatism.

Limerick’s new motto: “Urbs Antiqua Fuit Studiisque Asperrima Incepti”

There was an ancient city astute in the art of enterprise!!!!!!!!

Let’s pull back the thrusters for a successful SHANNON STOP OVER!, is féidir linn!

Raymond  Sexton
Tangible Flight Co-Ordinator